The world is watching to see if French patriots will take their country back

By: Rachel Marsden

PARIS — On June 30, French voters will head to the polls in a national election that wasn’t even on the horizon a month ago. But since France’s president decided to use democratic institutions as a tool to tell the little people to shove it, French patriots now have a golden opportunity to do the same to him and his globalist pals.

“I’ve been preparing this for weeks, and I’m delighted. I’ve thrown my grenade at their legs. Now, we’ll see how they deal with it…,” France’s Le Monde reports that French President Emmanuel Macron said in the wake of the European parliamentary vote that saw the French overwhelmingly back Marine Le Pen’s anti-establishment so-called “far-right” National Rally party with a score that more than doubled that of Macron’s.

Having lost perceived democratic legitimacy, Macron unilaterally dissolved parliament, betting that French voters would then reject their own voting choice at the European level, thereby re-establishing the democratic legitimacy of his agenda and party at the national level. But with only a few days to go, it looks like there must have been one heck of a strong headwind when Macron tossed that grenade.

National Rally also now enjoys considerable support from establishment Republican Party voters from the political family of former French Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac, with 36 percent of voting intentions, according to a June 22 Ipsos poll. Isn’t it amazing how allies magically appear the moment they get a whiff of power?

The anti-establishment leftist coalition, the New Popular Front, sits in second place at 30 percent. And Team Macron? Twenty percent — which means that the runoff between the two leading parties on July 7 is shaping up to be a race between the right and left anti-establishment parties, with Macron’s party completely eliminated.

So how did French voters learn to stop worrying and love the “far-right”? They’ve come to the realization that they probably can’t do any worse than a guy who calls a knee-jerk election in response to an unfavorable vote. The establishment has become so radical that others look reasonable by comparison.

Macron hasn’t done his globalist pals any favors by constantly yapping about their radical agenda. When Covid hit, he preached about building a brave new world that would have“supplementary constraints.” It turns out that people just wanted their old lives back.

Then angry French farmers blocked highways and chased Macron down at the Paris International Agricultural Fair, as riot cops blasted nearby cows with pepper spray. One of the main agricultural unions leading the charge represented the young farmers, fed up with a government that did little to protect them and their future from Brussels’ regulatory excess under the pretext of climate change, or from having to compete with Ukrainian products flooding their market, free from European quality and regulatory impediments. So much for winning over the youth — or the 90 percent of French voters who still support the people responsible for feeding them.

Macron’s Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, said during recent campaigning that the National Rally would put an end to much of France’s support for Ukraine.

It’s a wonder that the National Rally hasn’t yet turned the clip of it into a campaign ad. The French don’t see a return on their investment in the Ukraine quagmire – just inflation, as the government promises more cash for Kyiv and its own military industrial complex while imposing budget cuts at home. France’s debt is so bad that the EU even recently warned that it faces disciplinary measures – which probably means even more forced austerity.

Great, can France now stop spending cash on Ukraine, then? Apparently not.

Macron also can’t seem to stop talking about the need for France to commit troops to Ukraine, placing the French people at the very tip of any escalatory spear. And since the French can’t see any Russian tanks on the Champs-Elysées, it’s all just a bit much. The National Rally has spent their time promoting the totally radical idea that Macron and Attal should focus on France’s problems like they were Ukraine’s, and not the other way around.

Mostly though, French voters just really want to give Macron a giant middle finger. A poll found that 38 percent of French European election voters said they’d be using that vote just to flip him off, according to an Ipsos survey. Now, they get a chance to flip him a double-deuce.

If the National Rally wins the most seats, then 28-year- old Jordan Bardella, who has led the party in the European and national campaigns, is slated to be its next prime minister. Bardella was born to an immigrant single mother from Italy who raised him in the Parisian suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis. The place has transformed into such a shining example of globalist wokism and openness that French pro-soccer coach and former Premier League star, Thierry Henry, said of a Champions League matchup at the Stade de France in 2022: “The final is in Saint-Denis, not Paris. Trust me, you don’t want to be in Saint-Denis.”

Oh, the gall to suggest that there could be no-go zones where police can’t control the chaos. Except that’s exactly what happened, with a European Football Association report blaming security failures on overwhelmed French police.

Is it any wonder that Bardella resonates with French voters who increasingly feel like foreigners in their own country, with 68 percent feeling that there’s a link between immigration and growing insecurity, according to a CSA institute poll from June?

As Paris Fashion Week wraps up, the world is watching to see if enough French patriots will have the courage to start a bold new trend – a globalist purge that could catch on in Europe and around the world.